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3 Fun Ways for Parents to Teach Their Kids’ Good Oral Hygiene


It is upon parents to teach their kids good oral hygiene while they are still young, to ensure that the kids maintain good dental habits, even in adulthood. However, most of the kids, for one reason or the other, do not like to brush their teeth, and will often find the funniest reasons not to do so. This makes dental care for kids more necessary because neglecting your kid’s oral hygiene will be detrimental in the future to the kid’s dental health and self-esteem.

When the kid is growing up, you must take him/her to a child dentist so that any dental flaws like teeth crowding, overbites, and underbites can be corrected at the earliest age before they get any worse. This will ensure that the future dental health of your kid is not in jeopardy and this will serve to preserve a great smile even in adulthood.

Dentistry for children has many more benefits other than fixing early dental flaws. A fun kids dentist will also share with you more fun ways of teaching your kids good oral hygiene when they are young and more likely disinterested in keeping their teeth clean. Children’s dentist have, hence, come up with engaging and interesting ways of dental care for kids, which they recommend to parents. Given that in the United States dentistry is among the 10 most trusted and ethical professions, parents should try out the recommendations.

Pediatric dentists know that getting your kids to take care of their teeth can be a long row to hoe, and it is why they suggest the following fun ways of teaching your kids good dental hygiene.

1. Brushing Teeth Together With Your Kids

The surest and simplest way to maintain healthy teeth, is through proper and regular brushing from an early age. Children’s dentists say that your kids should be taught how to brush their teeth properly from as early as two years. The best way to teach your children how to brush teeth is by making a brushing routine where you brush teeth as a family. Children enjoy emulating adults, and they enjoy brushing teeth alongside their mom and dad. Having already cultivated the interest in the kids, it will be now easy to instruct them on the proper tooth-brushing techniques. Most American parents do brush their teeth with their kids, and it is amazing how this simple effort goes a long way in improving dental care for kids.

2. Pick Fun Toothbrushes for Your Kid or Let Them Pick Their Favorite

To maintain good dental care for your kids, children’s dentist recommends changing your kid’s toothbrush every three months, at the least. When doing so, it is a perfect chance to bring your kids along so that they can choose their favorite color of a toothbrush. Today, there are many fun-designed kid’s toothbrushes themed after superheroes and other characters that kids hold in high regard. If your kid is excited about his/her toothbrush, the excitement will make him/her want to use it and brush more often.

Additionally, there is also kid flavored toothpaste that is specially designed for the kids. Normal toothpaste could be too minty for the kids and make them detest brushing, or some would like it and swallow it in excess.

3. Promise Tokens and Rewards

When your kid honors a brushing routine for a set time, say a week, you can offer some appreciation in the form of tokens and rewards. You may promise your kid an additional toy, or more TV time and playing time. Kids feel motivated by the possibility of getting rewarded. When you do this, your kid will have more reasons to stick to their tooth-brushing routines.

Dental care for kids is essential at a young age. As a parent, you should teach your kids good oral habits, preferably when they are two years of age so that they can grow up practicing good dental hygiene. Ultimately, it will lead to a beautiful smile on your child which he/she will maintain even in adulthood.

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