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Pediatric Dental Care: Debunking 4 Myths And Misconceptions about Children’s Dental Health


Good oral hygiene practices are essential in taking care of your child’s teeth and gums. However, most parents come across a lot of misinformation, which leads to confusion on how best to take care of their kids’ teeth.

You may receive lots of unsolicited advice on how to raise your child. Some of the information may be false, with many contradictions. This is especially true when it comes to kids’ dental care. Keep reading as we sort out the myths from the facts to help keep your child happy and healthy.

Myth #1: Baby Teeth Do Not Need Care

It’s not uncommon to hear a friend or relative say that primary teeth are not important. Why should you look after them if they will fall out anyway? Most parents get it wrong on the role of the milk teeth.

Fact: Dental care at any age is critical in developing healthy gums and teeth. Milk teeth provide an effective transition to solid and hard foods. Issues with the primary set may result in difficulty and discomfort while chewing. Besides, the baby teeth act as placeholders for permanent teeth that fill in the space. Early loss of the teeth results in overcrowding and crooked teeth.

Myth #2: Dentistry For Children Isn’t Important Until Permanent Teeth Set In

Some parents wrongfully think there is a particular time cut out to see a pediatric dentist. They only book their first appointment after the first permanent tooth appears. 20% of American children do not receive any dental care for kids.

Fact: Pediatric dentistry is essential as it helps establish good oral hygiene habits that stick through adulthood. The American Dental Association (ADA) suggests that you should book your appointment when the first teeth appear, and no later than their first birthday. The children’s dentist may also advise you on bad habits such as thumb sucking and wrongful use of pacifiers.

Myth #3: Tooth Cavities in Milk Teeth Are Not That Bad

In the spirit of shedding baby teeth, tooth decay and cavities may not seem that serious. Some parents believe that dental cavities are unavoidable. In fact, more than 40% of children develop tooth cavities by the time they get into kindergarten.

Fact: Tooth decay and cavities in the primary teeth may have a significant impact on the permanent teeth replacing them. Decayed teeth may have to be removed, leading to an improper spacing of teeth. It may result in the permanent teeth growing in the wrong spot, leading to malocclusions. Dental cavities are preventable. Establishing proper brushing and flossing routines may help keep your child’s teeth stay healthy.

Myth #4: Sugary Foods Are Only Harmful When Consumed in Large Quantities

Another common misconception in dentistry for children is that sweet candy is only dangerous in large quantities.

Fact: The frequency of ingesting sugary foods may have a larger impact than the quantity taken. The amount of time the sugar stays on the surface of the teeth has a more significant effect. The bacteria in the mouth convert the sugar into acids that erode the enamel. It also heightens the risk of developing gum disease through plaque and tartar formation.

These are just some of the most common myths, but as most parents will attest, there are many more floating around. It is, therefore, important that you only take dental advice from a qualified dentist.

Are you looking for a pediatric dental clinic in Silver Spring, MD? Contact our office for more accurate information about taking care of your kids’ teeth.

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